(domain_file, feature_var='phi', n_features_var='N_FEATURES', cache=None, n_jobs=1, timeout=None, **kwargs)¶ Base class for domains encoded in minizinc.
This is the default method for encoding a domain in Pyconstruct. When using MiniZinc to encode a domain, objects are represented in terms of their attributes, i.e. as dictionaries containing attribute names associated to their values. The default inference oracle is assumed to be MiniZinc, through its Python interface PyMzn. Using MiniZinc, the attributes of the output objects y include all independent optimization variables. Input examples x are also dictionaries containing attributes corresponding to all the unspecified dzn parameters in the minizinc file.
When using this class out-of-the-box, the domain is assumed to be encoded into a PyMzn pmzn domain file. PyMzn allows to templatize MiniZinc models using Jinja2. With Jinja2, it is possible to reuse the same domain (attributes, constraints and features) to solve different inference problems. The most basic PyMzn domain would look like this:
{% from 'globals.pmzn' import domain, solve %} {% from 'linear.pmzn' import linear_model %} {% call domain(problem) %} % Your domain definition, e.g. int: x; var 0 .. 10: y; constraint x + y <= 10; {% endcall %} {% call linear_model(problem, params, n_features='10') %} % Your features definition, e.g. [ x + y, x - y % ... ] {% endcall %} {{ solve(problem) }}
This is a MiniZinc file containing bits of templating in Jinja2. All the logic for handling several standard inference problems are hidden inside the various calls to the macros imported from linear.pmzn and globals.pmzn. A user of the library should be able to define a valid domain by only specifing the input and output variables, the constraints, and the features of the objects in a file with the above structure. You can see some examples in the pyconstruct/examples folder in the source code.
Templating with Jinja2 is a powerful way to encode a domain, however, if you need some even more customization logic for inference, or you simply do not want to use MiniZinc, you may subclass the BaseDomain class and provide a custom implementation. In principle, learning algorithms should be agnostic to the type of objects a domain returns, as long as the features are encoded as a
(in case of a linear model); hence, inheriting from the BaseDomain class allows to use any other convenient representation for the objects and any other inference oracle.The shared templating library of Pyconstruct is organized in such a way to group together helper macros pertaining the same kind of models. For instance, the file linear.pmzn contains helper macros that can be used in conjunction with LinearModels. Some files like globals.pmzn or metrics.pmzn contain instead routines useful for all kinds of models.
Currently, linear models are the only kind supported by Pyconstruct, but we plan to provide more, e.g. CRFs.
Parameters: - domain_file (str) – The path to the pmzn file.
- feature_var (str) – The name of the MiniZinc variable containing the feature array. Used for getting the feature vector when the domain encodes inference over a linear model.
- n_feature_var (str) – The name of the MiniZinc variable containing the number of features. Used for getting the number of features when the domain encodes inference over a linear model.
- timeout (None or int) – The timeout to give to the solver (in seconds). None (default) means no timeout.
- kwargs – Any other argument needed by the template engine. These are passed to all inference problems solved by the domain.
(*args, **kwargs)Inference oracle. n_features
(**kwargs)Return the number of features in the feature vector.